Yeşim Ağaoğlunun təqdimatında poeziya
“Savaşın Neresi İyi” (2003)
Rejissor: Yeşim Ağaoğlu
Rollarda: Bedia Güven
Musiqi / Səs parçası: Danny Wright / Peace
Bu, özümün "Müharibədə yaxşı nə var" şeirim əsasında videokamera ilə çəkdiyim bir dəqiqəlik qısa filmdir. Dialoqun olmadığı və yalnız şeirin mətn olaraq istifadə edildiyi (İngilis və Türk dilində) və arxa planda musiqisi olan bu film, adından da göründüyü kimi, hər cür müharibəni sual altına alan və özündə kədər ehtiva edən, müharibə əleyhinə qısa bir filmdir.
Brief background of Yeşim Ağaoğlu
Born in Istanbul. Studied University of Istanbul, Department of Archaeology and Art History. Got Master of Arts degree at the University of Istanbul, Faculty of Communications, Department of Radio-TV-Cinema. Attended a part time film lessons using super 8 camera at the New York School of Visual Arts.
Poems have been published in literary journals since the age of 18. Has seven poetry books published in Turkey and two poetry books published in Azerbaijan and in 2016 and 2017 two poetry books has published in New York, USA. Andalso has four poetry E-books in different languages. Poems translated into many different languages such as English, German, Spanish, Russian, etc. Biographies are in some literature and art encyclopaedias and poems in anthologies. Some of her essays are in collective books. Participated in numerous national and international literature and poetry festivals.
Has been continuing contemporary art activities combining different disciplines such as language (poetry etc.) photography, video and installations since 1996. Did many solo exhibitions and participated many group exhibitions, biennales, art fairs, etc. in such countries like, Germany, Norway, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Korea, Russia, etc.